Case Study – Enabling Smart Maintenance Operations in Automotive Component Manufacturing

Customer Profile

  • One of top 10 Automotive component manufacturer in India
  • Manufacturing facilities in 10 countries across 3 continents
  • 5 Business verticals/units
  • Revenue of over $1.5 Billion

The Problems

Paper based manual operations

  • Redundant and time consuming
  • High amount of paper trail

Ineffective Maintenance Tracking

  • Missing critical maintenance schedules
  • Results in costly breakdowns 
  • Lower productivity 

Lack of seamless interdepartmental communications

  • Delayed response to breakdown
  • Higher equipment downtimes
  • Inaccurate records/reports
  • Lack of collaboration

Inefficient data accessibility and lack of history data

  • Data inaccuracies due to paper based operations
  • Time consuming to search for old data

No spare parts Tracking

  • Excess spares usage resulting in higher production cost
  • Unavailability of critical spare parts causing costly production delays

No data analysis

  • Available data cannot be used to make operations better
  • Cannot perform root cause analysis in case of any failure
  • No data visualizations and informed insights out of data


  • Complete digitization of maintenace activities
  • Mobile first software which enables plant technicians to access and input maintenance data from the field itself
  • Seamless integration with ERP systems. Maintenance data can be recorded with vMaint mobile or web application, which gets synced with ERP
  • Make operations Paper Less. Remove all paper based work-flows & transactions
  • Brings in real time visibility into the maintenance operations, providing insights that help in making more informed decisions


Paperless maintenance

  • PM scheduling, work orders and checklists are digitized. This has reduced the paper trail in the plant by 35%. It has eliminated the need to input all data in Excel one by one.

Real time tracking

  • Digitization of maintenance tasks enabled tracking metrics like overdue tasks, time taken to complete tasks, overtime duration at equipment as well as individual level. This has helped in gauging the performance of maintenance teams and identify areas of improvement.

PM Compliance

  • Automated notifications for due work orders ensure critical maintenance tasks are not missed. This has drastically reduced equipment failure and in turn increased reliability

Faster response to breakdown

  • Production personnel can quickly and accurately inform maintenance department of any breakdown by raising alerts using vMaint mobile application. This has improved the communication between the production and maintenance teams, enabled maintenance teams to swiftly address the issues and in turn reduce equipment downtime.

Spare Parts Tracking

  • Spare parts and inventory can be optimized to reduce holding costs while ensuring optimum inventory in case of maintenance requirement

Historical Data Access

  • Maintenance teams are able to access historical data on a single platform. Maintenance team is able to present past data to auditors accurately and at a faster rate, eliminating the need to preserve log books for auditing
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Case Study Customer Profile Pioneer in Adhesive technologies Headquartered in Europe with Annual revenue over 20 Billion USD Well established
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