Predictive Maintenance

Run your AI/ML Predictive Model on our Sensors/Gateways!

Smart Devices Platform

Predictive AI/ML Solutions to make your Factory Smart and Secure

Generic Needs

Special Scenarios

Enable Your AI/ML Model


Enable Your AI/ML Model

Special Scenarios

Generic Needs


Why Your (Custom) AI/ML Model for Special Scenarios?

Dynamic condition require custom Predictive solution

Optimizing process requires Detecting patterns of interest in real-time

In Real-Time Detect Failures in Continuous machine operations

Process to enable Your (Custom) AI/ML Models on Edge/Sensors for Special Scenarios?

Predict in Real-Time

Optimize the model on to Vegam platform/Devices

Model development

Data Acquisition

Data Acquisition

Model development

Optimize the model on to Vegam platform/Devices

Predict in Real-Time

Maintenance and Predictive Solutions for Generic Needs: Vegam

vMaint Predictive Solution:
To predict the failures of machines

Collect machine data and analyze patterns to get actionable insights.

vMaint DM:
Digital Maintenance

Digital maintenance offer solutions and modules to support paperless management

vMaint CBM: Condition based monitoring maintenance

Plan, schedule, execute, and track maintenance activities and reduce failures.

Smart Devices: Enablers

Smart Devices Enablers

vSens and vGateway: IOT Sensors for Vibration Analysis

vSens and vGateway:
IOT Sensors for Vibration Analysis

Smart sensors allow plants to monitor the condition of machines in real-time with vibration analysis.

Vibration AI/ML Data Acquisition & Integration Tool Kit

Edge based data collection and storage

4 vSens AI_ML_Continuous Data (Not burst). Wireless Operation with 4months battery

vGateway Pro

Configurable Additional I/O (Optional)

Vegam Cloud Storage for the data (Free included for 12 Months)

vMaint Conditional Monitoring SaaS (Free Included for 12 months for 4 vSens)

vMaint Predictive Maintenance SaaS (Free Included 12 months for 4 vSens )

Data and AI/ML Integration Support

3 Months support (Including training and help to integrate AI/ML)


Vibration DAI Kit

vSens Pro AI_ML

Technical Features

Wireless Connectivity Features

Mechanical Feautres

Operating Modes


Operating Temperature

-40°c to 85°c

Accelerometer Ranges

±8g, ±16g, ±32g, ±64g

Accelerometer Sensitivity

0.2 mg to 1.95 mg

Accelerometer Sampling Frequency

200 Hz - 6400 Hz


2500 Hz



RMS Window Size

4096 samples

FFT/RMS Averaging Options

0, 2, 4, 8**

Temperature Accuracy


Battery Type

Type C, Lithium Thionyl Chloride, 7200 mAh

Battery Life

4 Months*

*Under continuous mode AI/ML configuration only
**Affects the continuous wireless bandwidth. Recommended default is 8

vGateway Pro AI_ML



NXP i.MX8M Mini, quad-core ARM Cortex-A53, 1.8GHz


4 GB


96 GB

WiFi & Bluetooth


Cellular modem

4G/LTECAT1 cellular module, SIM7600G

IO Interfaces

Power Supply

12V wall-mount PSU/ Power over Ethernet (PoE)

Temperature Range

Industrial Certified, -40° to 80° C

Power Consumption

2W - 7W, depending on system load and configuration


112 X 84 X 25 mm

Regulatory Certificates


Vibration DAI Kit

vSens Pro AI_ML

Technical Features

Wireless Connectivity Features

Mechanical Feautres

Operating Modes


Operating Temperature

-40°c to 85°c

Accelerometer Ranges

±8g, ±16g, ±32g, ±64g

Accelerometer Sensitivity

0.2 mg to 1.95 mg

Accelerometer Sampling Frequency

200 Hz – 6400 Hz


2500 Hz



RMS Window Size

4096 samples

FFT/RMS Averaging Options

0, 2, 4, 8**

Temperature Accuracy


Battery Type

Type C, Lithium Thionyl Chloride, 7200 mAh

Battery Life

4 Months*

*Under continuous mode AI/ML configuration only
**Affects the continuous wireless bandwidth. Recommended default is 8

vGateway Pro AI_ML



NXP i.MX8M Mini, quad-core ARM Cortex-A53, 1.8GHz


4 GB


96 GB

WiFi & Bluetooth


Cellular modem

4G/LTECAT1 cellular module, SIM7600G

IO Interfaces

Power Supply

12V wall-mount PSU/ Power over Ethernet (PoE)

Temperature Range

Industrial Certified, -40° to 80° C

Power Consumption

2W – 7W, depending on system load and configuration


112 X 84 X 25 mm

Regulatory Certificates


vAIML_DAI Pricing


10K USD One time


1K USD Per month. Minimum 3 months.

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